Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all continuing to stay well.
I am sure you will have seen the Scottish Government announcement yesterday stating that children in P1 – P3 will begin their return to school week beginning 22nd February.
At the moment, I have no further information regarding this. However, when I do I will be in contact with all parents.
I would like to thank you again for all the work you are doing with your child/children. I know it is an extremely stressful and difficult time for everyone. The engagement in on line learning has been fabulous throughout the school.
Please remember there is no expectation that your child completes all the tasks that are set. Teachers are trying to provide different tasks to allow for some flexibility and individual choice.
Please encourage your child to focus on completing as many Numeracy and Literacy tasks as he/she can. If they are not able to complete any other, please do not worry. Children also need time in their day to play and relax.
Thank you to those of you who completed the parental questionnaire. We had lots of positive comments and some suggestions for improvements, which we welcome.
I am currently collating the feedback and will share it with you all in the coming weeks.
Please note that next Monday and Tuesday (8th and 9th Feb) is our mid-term holiday, followed by the staff In Service day on Wednesday 10th. The school will be closed.
There will be no new learning posted on these days.
Please continue to keep safe and, as always, if there is anything I can do to help please get in touch, either by calling the school or by emailing me on the email address below.
S Winning