As we come to the end of our first term of the session I would like to thank you once again for the support you have given as we have implemented our new procedures.

As you know these procedures are in place to keep everyone safe and will remain in place throughout the period of the pandemic.

Unfortunately some parents are still sending their children to school too early in the morning. Children who start at 9am should not be in the playground until 8.55am. There is no adult supervision between 8.45am and 8.55am. I am asking once again that children arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before their start time.

It is important that we all work together to make the procedures work.

Settling In Reports

Before the end of this term you will receive your child’s Settling In Report. This short report will tell you the level your child is currently working at and how well he/she has settled into his/her class.

Please note, if there is a NA written on your child’s report that simply means that this area of the curriculum has not been taught yet.

These reports will be sent out via email. Please ensure we have a current email address for you.

If you would like to comment on your child’s report you can do so by sending an email to me and I will forward it on to the class teacher.


Next term we intend to set homework tasks through Teams. Your child should already have log in details. If you are unable to access Teams for any reason please let us know and we will try to support you.

More information about homework will be emailed out at the beginning of next term.


When parking near the school please DO NOT park across residents’ driveways. This causes an obstruction and is dangerous.

The safety of our children is everyone’s responsibility.

House Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects

This week our House Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects were elected.

Congratulations to the following children;


Captain –Cameron

Vice-Captain –Miya

Prefect –Erin


Captain –Ellie

Vice-Captain –Kyle

Prefect –Holly


Captain –Sophie

Vice-Captain –Madeline

Prefect –Alix

After election the children made phone calls home to let their families know their good news.

All of the children who put themselves forward for election gave fabulous speeches. They should all be very proud of themselves.

Diary Dates 
Please note the following dates:• Monday 12th October – Friday 16th October inclusive- holiday• Monday November 16th – In Service Day – children do not attend school• Wednesday 23rd December –  Tuesday 5th January inclusive – holiday• Children return to school on Wednesday 6th January

Showing kindness to others

As a school community we encourage the children to be kind, respectful and thoughtful.

It came to my attention last week that some of our children are waving to one of the elderly residents of Queen Elizabeth Courtas they walk to school in the mornings. The lady waits at the window and waves back. I am sure that you will agree that this small act of kindness will most likely make a huge impact on that lady’s day. I am very proud of our children and the kindness that they show to others and felt it important that this story was shared with our whole school community.

As always, if you have any concerns, please contact me in any of the following ways;

01698 522719

Twitter Account: @ladywellPS -Maths@Ladywell for maths activities and competitions.